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평신도 전도자의 모델 (행18:1-4) The Model of a Lay Evangelist (Acts 18:1-4)

  1. 나의 현장에 하나님의 뜻 발견 Discovering God's plan in my field

  2. 만남의 축복 Blessing of meeting

  3. 자기 업을 통한 전도 Evangelism through own job

  4. 말씀운동 Word movement

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최근 게시물

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7/16/23 Victory in Christ (Ephesians 6:10-20)

Introduction Paul reminds us we are ambassadors for Christ and the kingdom of God. He also reminds us that we are engaged in spiritual welfare. 1. What happens if we remain ignorant to spiritual reali

7/9/23 Hezekiah’s Faith and Prayer (2 Kings 19:14-20)

Introduction We have a choice: to stand in faith or disbelief before the Lord. King Hezekiah is dealing with his life’s greatest crisis. The kings of Assyria are out to destroy the nation of Israel. T

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