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6/25/23 The Author and Perfecter of Our Faith (Hebrews 12:1-2)


Hebrews 11 is all people of faith, such as Abraham and Joseph, and all of them received God’s power. All of the people God used throughout history had faith that God was with them, and God poured his grace upon them.

1. Look to Christ

Where are my eyes fixed upon? The world or Christ? Christ promised he would complete the good work he began in all of us. Many of us just hold on to Jesus as a security blanket. Christ himself is the answer, yet so many of us look to ourselves and everything else in the world to complete us and resolve our problems. Are our eyes fixated on Jesus, or our problems? When we look to Jesus, all your complaints and disbelief will disappear. When we hold on to Christ, we can transcend ourselves and our circumstances.

Abraham did not wish or hope Christ would come, but he believed and anticipated the coming Christ. We have sure assurance that Jesus finished everything on the cross. All we need to do is hold on to it and enjoy the true joy that results. Holding on to Jesus is the greatest blessing and answer we could ever receive, because everything is in Christ. Christ is the perfect way to God. Christ restored our relationship with God, when it was impossible. Therefore, God’s spirit dwells in us and we are God’s temple. All of our sins, curses and problems were nailed on the cross and we are set free. We have the key and authority to fight the spiritual battle against Satan when he attacks and deceives us.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalms 34:8) Many have not had a taste of the goodness of God, and Christ. He is the author of our lives, creating and guiding our lives. All we need to do is look to Christ to receive true strength and healing. Let’s look to Christ.

2. Everyone who looked to Christ had victory

The author urges us to look at all the examples of people from Hebrews 11 who looked to Christ and had victory. However, we still sit in disbelief, doubting if Christ really is everything. There is evidence not only in the bible but in church history. Martin Luther held on to his faith and stood with the banner of Christ under the threat of death and led the Religious Reformation. Let’s look at all the evidence. Abraham, Joseph and David all had their flaws, yet God used them even in their weakness because they looked to Christ. Every single one of the believers in past, present and future are all running the race of world evangelism.

3. Lay aside all the obstacles and run with patience

When you’re running a race, you don’t want to carry anything heavy. However, in our Christian walk of faith, we have so many things that entangle and burden us. The author urges us in our race to look to Jesus and rid yourself of everything that prevents you from enjoying Christ. It could be sin. David himself was entangled in sin. Although Christ finished everything on the cross, we have no choice but to live in this world with sin. It could be our nature, such as laziness. It could be the hobbies and activities you do. We compromise so much and lie to ourselves about why we don’t go to church. It could be personal problems, such as past scars.

All we need to do is hold on to Christ and renew ourselves. Think honestly about what is holding you back from enjoying Christ. We don’t run our race alone, but by Christ’s power. Jesus needs to be our focal point as we challenge forward.


First, examine ourselves: are we looking to Jesus? Christ lives in us and speaks to us through his word. Then, are we holding on to the word?

Second, do I truly believe in the evidence of those who had victory in Christ?

Third, remove all the hindrances preventing you from enjoying Christ and run the race God set us on.

We always put God on the backburner. We’ll pray, listen to the word and do world evangelism after I finish everything else I need to do first, when I have extra time. Think carefully about the importance of our relationship with Christ and set up a dedicated time to spend with God’s word.

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