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9/5/2021 The Answer the Spring of Life Church Must Receive (Acts 2:1-12)

작성자 사진: The Spring of Life ChurchThe Spring of Life Church


We misunderstand that answers are whatever is to our benefit. Answers are according to God’s word and God’s desire. We saw that the Early Church concluded in the fact that Jesus Christ is alive and is with them and that they are no longer living for themselves but for God’s Kingdom, anticipating the return of Jesus. These were the truths of they held to and there were resulting answers that we, as the Spring of Life Church, must also receive.

1.The Power of the Holy Spirit

Verse 1-2

The Power of the Holy Spirit came upon the Early Church like wind and fire. What we need to conclude from this passage is not mysticism but that the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon those who hold onto God’s covenant. We struggle to change ourselves and our field but it is only possible by the Holy Spirit. All things are possible through Jesus Christ. The power of the Holy Spirit makes the impossible possible.

God wants to change the field and he could have done it himself, but he chose the members of the Early Church to be used as instruments and take part in God’s greater plan, and God worked through them through the Holy Spirit.

2. Doors of Evangelism Opening

Verse 7-12

We see Jews from 15 different nations gathering together, coming to learn of Jesus Christ. In Acts 1:8, Jesus had promised them that “you will receive power when the Spirit of God comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” There are so many people dying, and the only answer we can give them is the answer of Jesus Christ, which is why God called us to be spiritual doctors and spiritual ambassadors.

3. The Word of God Being Fulfilled

Verse 16-24

We see Peter preaching to the people, responding “No we are not drunk, but the word of God is being fulfilled.” The word of God is already fulfilled through Jesus Christ but the word of God being fulfilled in your life means that it is active and living, strengthening and guiding you in your life, allowing you to transcend above your circumstances.

4. God Provides All Resources for World Evangelism

Verse 42-45

These Christians didn’t have much but what they did have they gave and shared with one another. If we really are living for the kingdom of God and my life is aligned with God’s will, then God will provide us with everything we need, because all resources are in God’s hands.

Matthew 5 “Seek first the kingdom of God, and all of these will be given to you.”

5. God Attaches All Disciples

Verse 46-47

Who are disciples? People imprinted with Christ, rooted in the kingdom of God, and natured in the Holy Spirit. Our church prayer topic is to become a church that can raise up disciples of all nations. The racial division that we struggle with can only be truly resolved through Jesus Christ.


Answers are not getting good grades or getting a promotion but the 5 answers that the Early Church received. They happen when we restore true worship.

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