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8/14/22 My Everlasting Confession (Mark 8:27-33)

작성자 사진: The Spring of Life ChurchThe Spring of Life Church


Our everlasting confession is that Jesus is our Christ, the Son of the Living God. It is a confession that contains all the blessings of the heavenly throne. When we die, this will be our last and everlasting confession on the path of our covenant journey. Knowing Christ is our most valuable and unique blessing.

1. Jesus is is the Christ

The confession that Jesus is our Christ is a life-changing confession. When Jesus asked them “Who do people say I am?”, his disciples responded saying he’s a prophet. Jesus then asks Peter “Who do you say I am?”, to which he responds “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” We were spiritually helpless, doomed to die and go to hell but because God loved us so much he made the perfect way by paying the ultimate price of sacrificing his Son, who resurrected, and cleansed all of our sins and curses away, crushed Satan, and gave us new life. Peter’s confession seems very simple but was a very difficult confession for Peter to make. His statement could’ve gotten him killed but he staked his life.

The answer of Christ is not just our answer but an answer for the whole world. We need to open our eyes to see that the world is covered in darkness, and why we need Christ. We’ve heard this message so many times. We know it so well, but each of us needs to personally confirm and experience Christ in our lives, so that Peter’s confession becomes yours. When we have the sure assurance that Jesus is alive, with us and working in our lives, we have no need to fear.

Jesus tells us Peter “Blessed are you, for this has not been revealed to you by man but by God”. God has revealed this mystery to us, and gave us the keys to the kingdom of heaven, so let’s pray everyday that we may personally experience, confirm, and enjoy Jesus who is my Christ.

2. The Significance of Death and Resurrection

Jesus’ death and resurrection is so important because these are God’s wisdom and the fulfillment of His absolute promises. Jesus came to this world, died and resurrected exactly as was prophesied. When we hold on to God’s promises, we can experience strength and healing, because his promises are absolute. God’s promises give us true direction and sure assurance. We need assurance not from ourselves but eternal assurance from Christ. We may be small and weak, but when we hold on to his absolute promise, and offer ourselves to God, he will make our lives His masterpiece to change the world.

3. Let Us Learn From Peter’s Mistakes

When you look at the scriptures, you might assume Peter is a psycho. He just gave the greatest confession, but he rebuked Jesus after Jesus tells his disciples plainly that he needs to die. Jesus then takes Peter aside and casts aside Satan. What can we learn from Peter? Set our mind and heart not on the things of the world, but on the things of God, and his interests. Many of us are interested in everything but God: romantic partners, wealth, or games. Peter’s interests were being acknowledged, and on his livelihood and survival, and so when he hears that Jesus has to die, he rebukes him. Let’s not put our interest on the things of the world but on the things of God.


As you say “I love you” to your partners and family members, it will not sound the same after 10 years, because it has depth with time. Does our love for God have depth with time? Let’s personally confirm Jesus as our Christ and give him our confession of love and faith.

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