In our Christian walk of faith, ask yourself: how precious and valuable is Christ to you? When you truly experience Christ, you will realize the value of Christ.
1. Mary Knew the True Value of Christ
In the scripture, they were celebrating the Passover, which is a holiday the Israelites celebrate to commemorate when they spread the blood of the young lamb on their doorpost and were rescued from Egypt. Mary, pours a fragrance worth $30,000 on Jesus. People criticized her but Jesus praised her, because she showed how valuable Jesus was to her. She found her life’s answer in Jesus. This verse goes beyond giving our all to Jesus. We can’t change ourselves, but when Christ becomes our master and resolves our past, present and future problems and resolves our fundamental problems, we’ve received the greatest answer. Have we truly met Christ? Have we realized the true value of Christ? Who is Jesus to me?
When we know the worth and value of Christ, our life has no choice but to change. After receiving the answer of Christ, Mary’s life changed. As Jesus says, she has done everything she could. She gave all she had to Jesus, her security and future, because she knew the worth of Jesus, and believed Jesus had to die according to God’s promise. At the time, people saved these fragrances for marriage and their future family, but she gave it up for Jesus. People calculate what they give to Jesus, expecting what they give back. However, when we understand knowing Jesus is the most valuable jewel, we can give our all. Nothing we have can be compared to Jesus.
2. The Hardened Hearts of the Spectators
The disciples and spectators had a different heart. They asked indignantly, furiously, why would she waste money? She scolded her saying she should have sold it and given it to the poor. The spectators’ hearts were so numb that they couldn’t see the significance and importance of God’s work, nor the worth and value of Christ. Charity is important but it’s nothing compared to Christ. Not only were their hearts hardened, but they didn’t have God’s heart. God has given us the perfect blueprint for evangelism, but question yourself: Are our hearts numb to the significance of Christ? We know but does it really move you?
3. True Reward and Blessing
It’s not wrong to anticipate reward and blessing in our walk of faith. Paul anticipated his reward and prize in heaven. However, we equate this reward with health or wealth. What is the greatest prize and reward? We will receive it in heaven but while on earth, the greatest prize and reward is being recognized by God? When we belong to Jesus and recognized by God, we don’t need recognition from anyone in the world. Being recognized by God and being used by Him is the greatest reward, and indeed Jesus recognizes the woman and what she’s done. Her sacrifice did not go unnoticed but was recognized by Jesus. Nothing we do is in vain. Does Jesus recognize me? Is he using my life for world evangelism? Let’s think about our church not as a small church in Barrington, but as a platform for all to see Christ.
When we receive the answer of Christ, we can save the world. When we experience the answer of Christ, we can enjoy the blessing of the heavenly throne in our lives. Let’s restore our walk of faith and heart to be like Mary.
Lord, soften my heart. Restore my spiritual state, revive my heart. I am recognized by you. My greatest desire is to be used by you