“Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!” Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Life is so difficult when we live by our own strength, and the Bible teaches us this message with examples. The Israelites were being chased by Egyptian soldiers after they escaped Egypt and the way forward was blocked by the Red Sea. They give up and complain to Moses and to God. In that same way, when we are faced with an impossible problem, we give up and complain to God. However, Moses reminds the Israelites to “Stand firm…The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still”, and God splits the Red Sea. Our walk of faith is never done by our own strength, but God’s. It’s not a coincidence we lose focus or fall asleep and lose a hold of God’s word, because they are Satan’s attacks. The things you do to pass your time when you’re truly alone best defines who we are, and they are the perfect medium through which Satan attacks the believers. We need to understand the true battle we need to fight.
1.The Fight Against Pharaoh
Pharaoh and Egypt symbolize the Israelites’ and spiritual enslavement under sin and Satan. God rescues them but on their way out, Pharaoh chases them down again. In that same way, Satan is continuously chasing after and trying to recapture us. This is the spiritual reality and the true battle we are fighting. Let’s remind ourselves that Satan’s head was crushed by Christ. Ultimately, it is not the Israelites who fight and win the battle against Egypt, but God. In that same way, we live our walk of faith with God’s strength alone. Just like the Israelites were enslaved by Egypt, people of the world live enslaved under the culture of the world. However, God liberates the Israelites using none other than the blood of the young lamb on their doors. We need to remember that we have no need to fear, for the Lord fights the battle for us.
2. Stand in Faith and Assurance
Therefore, we need to stand with faith and assurance. The first assurance we need to have is that we are children of the living God the moment we confessed that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. The second assurance is that as children of God, God answers our prayers when we pray. The third assurance is that God opens doors in the midst of crisis so there is no need to fear, the Lord will fight for me. Moses reminds the Israelites “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still”, and God parts the Red Sea. We are quick to panic when we face a problem but God allows these problems because his greater plans are hidden behind them. The fourth assurance is that we are completely free from sin and death. The gospel should be like water to us, refreshing our souls. The fifth assurance is that God is with us and will lead us until we return to him in heaven. God was with the Israelites for their entire journey to Canaan, providing water, manna and quail. God is leading us to his promised land of world evangelism and will fight and accomplish everything for us. All we need to do is stand as living witnesses.
3. Let us Begin Correctly as People of the Covenant
The Israelites were not just any people but people chosen by God to show the world that He is a living God. The Israelites were people of God’s covenant. We are children of God because we believe and hold on to God’s promises. Knowing our true identity, there is no reason for us to be afraid. As Moses says “The Lord will fight for you”. When we hold on to God’s word and our identity, the Red Sea will part in our lives. When it parted, Israelites walked forward and crossed. In that same way, when God opens up the doors, we need to walk through it.
Let’s begin anew. We make countless mistakes, but God has his new grace for every day. Let’s think of this last opportunity, get up and begin anew this new year.