The greatest success is worship. When we succeed in worship, everything around us will come alive in Christ. We may think that things work out when we work hard, but ultimately, worship is the key to success in life. Through praise, as we are filled with God’s spirit, all the forces of darkness are broken. Through prayer, as we concentrate on God’s word, we receive strength and answers.
Let’s challenge with God’s desire. The time to succeed in worship is now, not later. We need to acknowledge and seek that it’s not by our power, but by God’s.
Then he said to me, “This is the word of God to Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6)
The religious leaders tried to bring Jesus down by questioning him. In return, Jesus questions them: “How can Christ be the Son of David?” Jesus references David’s messianic psalm. They were theologians and scribes who knew the scriptures better than anyone else, yet they couldn’t recognize Jesus. Jesus’ question is rhetorical. He is trying to show who he is.
1. Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the Christ. The religious leaders knew God’s word, yet they didn’t recognize Jesus. We may know God’s word, but do we recognize Jesus in our lives?. Do we acknowledge Jesus is our Christ in every area of our lives? Is Jesus only knowledge in your head or our Lord and savior in our heart? In the scripture, Jesus talks about the fundamentals of our faith.
How can David call his son Jesus Lord? Because Jesus is perfectly God and man. We were created in God’s image yet we left God. We said we don’t need God. I can be God. Instead of looking at the creator for satisfaction, we look to the world and sin. We were kidnapped by Satan and were enslaved by sin and curses. The religious leaders tried to save themselves by their own righteousness, which is why they continue to argue with Jesus. All they needed to do was acknowledge they needed Jesus. God loved us so much that the moment we left God, He promised us a way back to Him. He is with us, in the midst of us. Let’s stand before God with that faith.
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. (John 1:1-3)
Christ is the word of God incarnated as man. He came to this world and upon dying on the cross said “It is finished.” Let’s realize how much God loves me and be filled with His love everyday. We tend to seek God’s love only when we need it, but God gives us His love everyday, in every aspect of our lives. Let’s realize how personal God’s love is for us. We’re loved by God so much that He sent Jesus to save us so we can live for Him. He laid down his life for us so we can possess eternal life today. More than love for anything else, let’s be filled with God’s love for us and love for God.
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor power, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)
The religious leaders were so smart. They knew the scriptures so well, yet they couldn’t recognize Jesus. In that same way, so many Christians know God’s word so well, but they don’t have the true content, nor can they enjoy Christ in their lives. It is by God’s grace that we can understand and realize Jesus is the Christ. God’s love is 24/7, so let’s freely enjoy His love. Where would we be if Jesus didn’t love us? Grace is a mystery. We don’t know why God loved us. The bible says we deserved death, yet God poured His grace upon our lives. When we’re filled with God’s power and strength, we can move forward and conquer the field God entrusted to us. Let’s encounter his grace and love daily.
2. True Identity of Christ Has to Overflow Into Every Area of Your Life
Knowing Christ and making Christ our all, enjoying his grace. They have to overflow into every aspect of our lives. The Israelites thought the Messiah would be a political ruler, who would overthrow Rome and raise up the nation of Israel. They were looking for a physical change. They couldn’t fathom the idea that the messiah would come as a servant, to serve. In that same way, we limit Christ with our own standards and calculations. We say God raised from the dead, and used Paul and the Early Church, yet God can’t use me. We pick and choose when God works in our lives, when it benefits us. We need to let Jesus be the master of every aspect of our lives, even when it seems to be to our loss. Out of fear of losing out, we calculate and are afraid to give our all to Christ. Let’s let Christ reign and work in every aspect of our lives: our studies, our work, our relationships etc.
The religious leaders were so consumed by their own ideologies and knowledge. However, when we hear God’s word and relay it, God’s kingdom is established in ourselves. Don’t try to make sense of God’s word. Believe God’s word as God’s word. Let Christ rightfully take His place in our lives.
3. Let Us Reflect Upon Our Lives With Christ
Key is renewal. We still have our old nature of sin, disbelief and darkness so let’s renew ourselves. Jesus points out what the religious leaders were doing, and warns the crowd against them. They loved showing off and being acknowledged. Rather than standing before God, they were standing before men. They wanted people’s approval before God’s approval. We’re accepted and acknowledged by Christ, so let’s stand before our Lord.
Let’s question our motives. Why are we holding on to Jesus? Let’s hold onto the pure gospel and God’s desire. The Pharisees were so greedy they would step over the weakest in society for their gain. Let’s renew with God’s pure gospel and God’s desire for evangelism.
Our spiritual state needs to be renewed: spiritually awake, sensitive and aware. Then, the way we perceive our lives will change. Aging is not just getting gray hairs and becoming weaker, but moving closer to meeting Christ. When we really enjoy Christ and prayer, God connects his power to your occupation and studies, so that they may be used for God’s kingdom and glory (true evangelism).